​​​​Some Benefits of Practicing Tai Chi

Some Benefits of Practicing Tai Chi

Expectation can be the mother of disappointment. Many people come to Tai Chi with the preconceived notion that they will enter a magical realm, requiring little effort and giving boundless joy.

In reality, Tai Chi is actually far more than you could ever imagine but you will have to earn it. Tai Chi reveals itself in layers. Anything this good is not going to give itself away for nothing. Tai Chi has an expectation of you.

Those who practice and continue to grow in their understanding of Tai Chi, naturally become humble. This is not to be mistaken for a sense of inadequacy or loss of character. To the contrary, it is an opportunity to align the concept of ‘self’ with the qualities that afford genuine happiness and inner peace.

There are many times in the development of a Tai Chi practitioner that they will experience a heightened sense of themselves. Tai Chi often dangles that carrot. When you begin tapping the beautiful rhythms of this supreme art, you may actually believe you’re becoming good at it. This is where it gets interesting. Nothing is all that it seems. If you think you’re good , you’ve missed the point. When you start to feel comfortable with your Tai Chi practice, you are actually at the bottom of another level of learning. The more you know, the more you understand the enormity of what is still to be learned. When I hear someone say they’ve done Tai Chi ( meaning one term or one year or even 5 years ) , it gives me a quiet chuckle.

If none of that put you off the thought of starting to learn Tai Chi ( and bear in mind, it is ALL about the journey, there is no final destination ) , then let’s look at what you can expect Tai Chi to do for you.

Firstly, you will be joining a great group of compassionate and friendly people. A tai chi class is, mostly without exception, a nurturing environment. You are always welcome and safe.

You are probably expecting Tai Chi to assist you in any number of health related areas. Most people want things like better fitness, lower stress levels, inner peace, injury recovery, help with arthritic issues, a boosted immune system, lower blood pressure, self defence, fat loss, emotional support etc etc. The list is endless and Tai Chi can deliver in spades but you have to do the digging.

Tai Chi works, not by attacking your ailments like a prescribed drug does but by balancing your body in a way that keeps it free from most diseases. If you do fall sick, your recovery rate is generally faster than the average person.

The grim reality is that ‘nature’ is always waiting for the chance to remove you from the gene pool. Survival of the fittest. Nature intends to protect itself from weakness by weeding out the unfit. Regularly practicing Tai Chi helps balance the body and improves the flow of Chi ( or life force ). It is like building an internal force-field against potential infection and the affects of ageing.

Tai Chi Class Melbourne

One of our Tai Chi Classes in Melbourne

I could list thousands of health problems that Tai Chi can help avoid or eliminate but there is no real need to be specific here. Tai Chi will make you a healthier person – if you practice.

In conclusion, I would like to add that coming to class for what you perceive to be the benefits of practicing Tai Chi, is what I call an ‘ought to’. If you regularly do Tai Chi you will stay healthy. If you eat all the right foods you will be healthy. If you don’t drink alcohol you will be more healthy. Walking 5 km everyday will help to keep you healthy. Most people start off with good intentions and then revert back to old patterns of behaviour when the motivation subsides. If self discipline is required, you are only as strong as your weakest moments.

What creates long term Tai Chi students is not the ‘ought to’ but the ‘want to’. They practice everyday because it’s enjoyable and provides a wonderful feeling. The benefits of practicing Tai Chi are essentially irrelevant. The motivation to practice comes from enjoyment. There is no conflict between desire and denial. The only time these Tai Chi players think about the health benefits is if they stop practicing for any length of time. They either get sick or the aches and pains return.

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